As we wrap up our time in Vienna, we want to thank everyone who stopped by the Condoms4Life booth at AIDS 2010. We had visitors from across the globe, including, but not
23 July 2010
Saying Goodbye
As we wrap up our time in Vienna, we want to thank everyone who stopped by the Condoms4Life booth at AIDS 2010. We had visitors from across the globe, including, but not
On AIDS and Abortion
Warm Thoughts, or, On The AIDS Memorial Quilt
22 July 2010
Interview: MTV's Staying Alive Campaign
catholics from mtv staying alive on Vimeo.
"I can be Catholic again."
Protest Updates
21 July 2010
Kids These Days, or, Youth In Action
A young man from Mexico told me about his local priest, a man who worked with a peer sex ed program to provide information about correct condom use and to distribute contraception to young LGBT and HIV-positive people in his community. When the local bishop caught wind, this priest was transferred to another parish.
A young French activist from AIDES told me that the French bishops have launched a new campaign aimed specifically at Catholic youth. Their basic message: Don't have sex, and don't use condoms.
These young Catholics are fighting back by working in their communities for sexual and reproductive access, education, and justice; they're also taking CFC, Condoms4Life and yCFC's messages home to other young Catholics who haven't discovered us. As the youth pavilion's slogan proclaims, I can't wait to see what they can do once they've got the chance to "Now make it happen."
a) YPeer, for its "find a person in red" scavenger hunt, which led to me being brought to the organization's vibrant booth in my very bright, CFC-red dress.
b) ASTRA, which hosted a panel discussion today. Kyle attended, and our own Anka was a panelist.
c) Women ARISE (our orange neighbors, with a display of vagina puppets!), for letting me snag one of their very cool "Women's Rights Here, Rights Now" T-shirts.
More Friends from the Conference
"Good Catholics Use Condoms!"
20 July 2010
On the eve of the 18th International AIDS Conference in
Meet 'n' Greet, or Who Are The People in Our (Conference) Neighborhood?
Meghan (right) and the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence mingle at the 2010 International AIDS Conference. Our much-loved posters frame them!
Making friends in Vienna
RFSU is a Swedish non-profit organization that advocates for sharing information about sexual health and reproductive rights on local, national and international levels. RFSU representatives will be at AIDS XVIII all week, and so will Condoms4Life.
Stop by the RFSU site and check it out, or visit with representatives at the conference.
And don't forget to visit Kyle and Meghan at the Condoms4Life booth, too!
19 July 2010
Seeing Is Believing: On Faith-Based Organizations and HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment
You can learn more by reading the report here.
Condoms4Life at AIDS 2010
Not included in our forthcoming videos are those who, because of the work for and with Catholic hospitals and schools, were afraid of losing their jobs if they appeared on camera. There was the pharmacist from a Catholic hospital in New Jersey who told me that he used to fill "condom prescriptions" until hospital administrators cracked down on the practice. There was a nurse from Canada whose article supporting contraception to prevent HIV and AIDS was recently featured in a medical journal - and who had to speak with her Catholic hospital's CEO to make sure she wouldn't face repercussions for doing so. We've met clergy from India and educators from the Philippines who have resisted their ultra-conservative bishops to talk about condoms, sexual health and protecting oneself and one's loved ones.
"When the priests who run the schools ask me if I will mention condoms, I tell them this," said one sexual educator from Manila. "I say, 'I will not mention condoms, but if the children ask, I cannot lie to them. I bring them just in case.'"